❌ New ep: The Comfort of Fictional Religions
When technical glitches mess w/ release schedules, you have to get creative.
Editorial note: Technical difficulties prevented me from publishing the episode planned for this week, so I’m sharing this in the podcast feed as a sample of what I’ve been working on for paid supporters.
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I've been writing about fictional religions for subscribers. As I wrote on 1/3/23: "When your faith of origin is also the origin of a grievous wound, there’s an odd solace to be found in knowingly made up things. Fiction, the old adage goes, is a lie that tells the truth—and there’s a lot of truth to be found in fictional religions."
This is an audio version of an essay published this week, "The Comfort of Fictional Religions: The Sensayers of Terra Ignota."
Be sure to check out my other entries in The Good Books here.
Exvangelical is a production of The Post-Evangelical Post, LLC.
Find links to follow Blake across the web at blakechastain.com