Trump university, lol. But, um, also Pat Robertson's diamond mining "missionary" scheme:


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Hoo boy that one is a doozy.

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It is. IIRC, the Sekulow and Ashcroft families are tangentially involved and have their own African resource extraction "missions." Sekulow still owns Patheos, right, and Evangelicals still don't have a problem using it? I noticed that story wash by and figured it went int the memory hole. I had no idea about Newsweek and never heard of Jang. I imagine that has something to do with the magazine praising Evangelicals and hiring their young journalists, some of whom have gone on to WaPo and such. The bigger picture here is of a power-seeking ideological movement that long ago confused love with power, which is maybe the essence of narcissism/megalomania.

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I haven't followed the latest ins and outs of who owns Newsweek or Patheos, but I remember Warren Throckmorton getting kicked off Patheos for being too critical of an evangelical. As for Newsweek, it has published a lot of good, hard-hitting, critical coverage of evangelicals in recent years.

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Can confirm - was interviewed for this piece at the tail end of 2018. https://www.newsweek.com/2018/12/21/evangelicals-republicans-trump-millenials-1255745.html

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That's good, but what's the story with the ownership now -- is that likely to change? Was Jang not widely known? Seems like a really crazy figure.

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